Wednesday, May 18, 2011

D&D Setup

A couple weeks back, one of the D&D blogs I follow (Newbie DM) sent out a tweet asking for submissions from DMs about their DM binders. I answered quickly, and you can see my WonderFILE Portable Workstation entry on the DM Binder Project page, along with other entries.

I have my friends Chef and Mercy to thank for the WonderFILE. After we saw a TV commercial about it, we all had the same idea: wouldn't that make an excellent DM binder? So, the instant I saw it in a local store, Chef bought it for me, and it's been great.

So, to show my appreciation, I thought it would also be groovy to show their set ups for when we gather 'round the D&D table. They've been working on theirs since we started playing, fine tuning this and that, seeing what works for them best. Here's what our game table looks like now:

They use 3-ring binders for their character sheets and notes, plastic card sleeves for their character powers, cell phones for receiving secret messages from me, and decorative boxes they bought at Hobby Lobby to hold their stuff.  That's our dice arena in the middle of the table, hand-painted and crafted by Mercy. The most recent addition is the green felt table cover, which helps keep maps from sliding around during play.