Sunday, March 29, 2015

Legends & Tabletop

Starting off this post with some D&D-related video game info. Sword Coast Legends was announced in February this year, and I've been following it since then. For those who may not know, the Sword Coast is a region of land set in the Forgotten Realms D&D setting, and has been used in multiple video games, including Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. 

The latest news update for the game describes how the Dungeon Master's roll will be implemented during game sessions. Read the following PC Gamer article with video for all the details.

Sword Coast Legends video introduces the Dungeon Master [PC Gamer]

And in case you'd also like to keep Sword Coast Legends on your gamedar, bookmark these links:

Sword Coast Legends [PC Gamer]

Sword Coast Legends

International Tabletop Day is happening 11 April 2015! I do hope you will be out at celebrating at your FLGS, or hosting your own intimate tabletop gaming at your favorite kitchen table.

I will be taking grandchild Joshua to the FLGS here, Flashbax, to get us into some all-day gaming. I'm also working with the Flashbax owner to possibly DM a session or two that day. Gonna try to talk my daughter and her husband into joining us, as well. Will also try to get some photos taken to share here. 

What's your game plan?

Lastly, here are the latest additions to RPG SceneShots!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Extended Rest Complete

Almost a year ago, I got the hell outta Alabama (again) and moved Aberdeen, to South Dakota, accompanying my daughter and her family. Since then, I've been acclimating to the weather, re-establishing myself in a new location, and dealing with other encounters that Life serves up. 

Happy to report that I have my own apartment now, and have re-stabilized my work flow, to the point where I am ready to blow the dust off my DM hat and get back into the RPDM gig. 

I have set up a mostly weekly schedule for this blog and my other RPDM social media locations, and aim to get various actions in play. I have set Sunday morning up for this weekly delivery, and say 'mostly' to cover the weekends when I may not publish something due to spending time with grandchild #1, Joshua.
Overland Map by Wizards of the Coast
He came over he stayed with me last weekend, and I introduced him to his first official D&D session. Previously, as we were still getting situated here, I ran the Heroes of Hesiod game for he and his younger sister, Angel. They both took to it well, Joshua more than Angel, however. She did catch on quickly, but is still too young and doesn't have the attention span to play more than a few minutes. 

Last weekend, I ran Joshua through the character creation process, and he rolled up Thunder the human fighter, armed with a greatsword. We then ventured into the first part of Lost Mine of Phandelver, and he handled it well, rolling very positive numbers and cleaving through goblins in single hits. We'll be continuing the adventure perhaps this weekend, and onward from there.

That was my return to DMing after separating from my players in Alabama, and it was good. Unlike where I lived there, there is a D&D hobby shop in this town, I've already met with the owners and played a session with some other local players, and am looking to set up another group of players here. 

Back to my RPDM offerings. I have a couple of notebooks with DM notes about various topics and ideas which I'll be transferring into this blog. Many of the ideas I plan to use in my sessions, and I want to make them public should anyone else think them worthy to use in their own campaigns. 

I'll also continue to add to the RPG SceneShots, when I have collected and processed enough pics from my video gaming to add. 

So there's an update on the past year, and my adventure plan for the future. Roll 'em!

Monday, March 9, 2015

RPG SceneShots - Civilization V Batch

Hello D&Ders! Here's another batch of RPG SceneShots for you to use in your sessions. These shots are from that most excellent video game known as Civilization V. Feel free to use them directly from here, or better yet, click over to and follow the entire collection at the official RPG SceneShots Google + Page. Use and enjoy!