Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Let's Game

Greetings! RPDM here, finally getting this blog kicked off.

As I said in my initial post, this blog will be for me to spill out and set structure to the D&D campaigns I'm DMing, along with general other thoughts and items D&D related. I am also launching another (hopefully) important item here, and that is the DM Pics Project. More on that later.

My Campaigns
I currently run two campaigns, and am in the process of creating a third. First campaign is 4E pre-Essentials, involving the official modules H1 Keep on the Shadowfell, H2 Thunderspire Labyrinth, and H3 Pyramid of Shadows. Players are currently about 75% of their way through the first level of the Pyramid of Shadows. These are all set in and around the Nentir Vale.

The second campaign is with Essentials characters, and has the players adventuring in the Chaos Scar setting. I have tweaked and modified a number of items in this setting to get players to a different end game than what is given in the official modules. I've also instituted a couple of house rules that were agreed upon by the players.

The campaign I'm creating from scratch is still without a name, but is best described as the D&D version of The Walking Dead, one of the many TV shows we are all huge fans of. This is being created with the solo player in mind. My group currently only has two players (both female), and we are not always able to coordinate days off to have a full game session. So, I am working on this campaign to be played by one player at a time, and in 3-4 hour chunks. I also want this campaign to be heavily geared toward survival horror, and solo play will help me create sessions that will better convey that, I do hope.

Lastly, I aim to share a lot about the art of roleplaying in D&D, as it is my most loved method of pen-n-paper gaming. I've been writing about the art in PC gaming (MMORPGs) for many years, and credit D&D and many other tabletop games with manifesting and honing that skill for me. So I figured it's about time I get to writing about it where it started for me. I hope to help my fellow DMs and players with some excellent ideas that they can work into their campaigns, as so many of them have helped me likewise.

Roll 'em!

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