Sunday, May 31, 2015

Campaign Ideas

As I’m taking fresh, new steps to returning to the DM groove, I’ve been digging out notes on campaign ideas I’ve jotted down over the past 4 years or so. In my thoughts, and on paper (yes, real paper), I have 5 solid scenarios that I think could become full campaigns. I’ll list them in basic details here, in case someone else is looking for a spark for their own campaign ideas.

Souls in Chaos
This campaign is based on The Chaos Scar campaign from 4th edition, with a dash of Skyrim. In mine, the meteor broke into a bagazijillion pieces before impact, and those pieces flew out and landed from one end of the land to the other. They range in size from shards small enough to fit in your palm, to large chunks the size of ogre heads. It somehow becomes discovered that, with the proper application of magic, the rocks make for a source of power. The PCs slowly work to uncover the secrets of the rocks as they journey to ground zero.

Dungeon Keeper
A PC somehow comes into possession of a sprawling underground dungeon complex. There is something fantastically valuable somewhere within, and the PCs venture down to search it out. Other beings learn of the complex, and possibly the item, and begin making their way into the complex. PCs now must contend with invaders while searching.

A long time ago, or perhaps early in the lives of the PCs, a terrible event happened to the force of magic throughout the world. Magic is outlawed in the civilized places, and those who can make use of it are shunned and hunted. Could the PCs be the ones to find out what turned magic so, and change it?

Zombie Apocalypse
The Walking Dead, D&D style.

Subterranean Homesick Blues
Basically, the Fallout scenario in the realm of D&D. Something happened that forced all formerly above-ground dwelling races into moving below ground. To go above ground during the day is extremely dangerous. To go above ground at night is death.

Now, to start the hunt for a compatible group of players and PCs, and run these ideas by them to see which one they may be most interested in. By summer’s end I hope to be in DM mode in one of these campaigns.

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