Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Initiates, Session 1

My Pathfinder group got together again for our usual Saturday session yesterday, as we started a new campaign with a new set of characters. Introducing: The Initiates!

L-R: Diomedes (Fighter), Siel (Monk), Dergan (Cleric), Brewl (Barbarian)

Close up of Siel, Grey Elf Monk. Proficient in Alchemy, Herbalism, Healing, and martial arts. 

We started off as initiates in service to The Pathfinder Society, with our area of operation located on the Isle of Kortos, centered on a sub-lodge in Absalom. 

Adril Hestrom, our handler, has been giving us individual missions for the past three years, many which have primarily been tests of our respective class skills. When we were each separately given this latest mission, we each had a feeling that this one was different. And so it is.

We were tasked with going to the Soggy Piper bar in the slums known as The Puddles, and meet with other initiates. We arrived in turns, made our brief introductions to each other, then began to sort out this mysterious mission.

A perceptive scan of the bar patrons showed one of the barmaids (not serving our table) paying a bit more attention to us than anyone else. Diomedes approached her and began an inquiry, finding out she had a message scroll meant for us, one that had been unsealed and poorly resealed. The scroll read, "You are to meet with Yargos Gill for transfer of a valuable tome. He should be along shortly."

After some coercion by our very handsome barbarian, barmaid told us that Yargos and his pals were in the Soggy Piper a couple hours ago, but got into a ruckus with a group of burly men, who took him away, possibly to a place called Tossman's Point. We four Initiates quickly set off to Tossman's Point to find Yargos.

The rest of the evening we dealt with admin stuff, including combat test rounds, and a lengthy discussion of intiative as it applies to spellcasters. The adventure is set to resume next Saturday.

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